Related Products

PoET Related Products

GFE offers a wide range of PoET Related Products optimised for the use with the PoET® system and our portfolio of CE-marked NAT Testing Kits. From efficient sample preparation to validated internal and PCR assay controls.

Control Kits

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PoET Negative Control

Article number: P3A-500-30

>> eIFU

Negative control for the quality monitoring of PCR reactions

PoET Master Positive Control

Article number: P3B-360-30

>> eIFU

PCR positive control for HCV, HBV, HIV, HAV and B19V

PoET Internal Control

Article number: P1C-1440-60

>> eIFU

Internal control for the quality monitoring of the analytical process

PoET HEV Positive Control

Article number: P3F-180-30

>> eIFU

PCR positive control for HEV

PoET WNV Positive Control

Article number: P3H-180-30

>> eIFU

PCR positive control for WNV

PoET CMV Positive Control

Article number: P3G-180-30

>> eIFU

PCR positive control for CMV

Extraction Kits

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PoET Extraction

Article number: P1A-24-04

>> eIFU

Extraction kit for the isolation of viral nucleic acids from blood plasma

PoET Prep Reagent

Article number: P1B-24-20

>> eIFU

Reagent kit to support the PoET Extraction Kit

PoET Instrument

Explore next level NAT testing


Explore our full range of PCR Kits


For detailed information

Doc. HO 001157

Dr. Biserka Bacic-Robinson


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